Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Webquest Evaluation

Hello everyone!

      This week’s project is webquest evaluation. I chose a webquest from Zunal. I think it is very beneficial for not only students but also teachers.

      I chose the webquest which is named 1960s theme party. In the welcome page, the project is described briefly, explaining what students are supposed to do. Students are asked to prepare a food list, a song list, a guest list, suitable decoration that reminds 1960s, with a 200 dollars budget.

     In the introduction page, students are asked to get ready for the party. The introduction draws learners’ attention and interest describing the project clearly. A video is shared at the bottom of the page, which I've found pretty good, to show famous bands, singers, fancy stars in their most beloved movies, clothing, different hair styles on those days. Also, they are asked to have a look at their books to remember a few things related to the 1960s. A reference is made to build learner’s prior knowledge and prepare the learner for the next lesson.

     In the task page, students are wanted to work in pairs. Their duties are given, divided into four. Invitation designers, a master chief, a DJ, and decorators are needed for the party. Task is doable and engaging, and elicits thinking goes beyond rote comprehension.

     In the process page, an English- Greek online dictionary is recommended to the students to prevent waste of time. Then, detailed information about their duties is given step by step. Every step is clearly stated. Most students would know exactly where they are at each step of process and know what to do next.
     Firstly, invitation designers are supposed to find information about clothes, hair styles, and fashion of The SixtiesThen, they are supposed to use the Invitation Designer worksheet, and jot down their decisions about the number of guests, the time and the place of the party, and the clothes and hair style of their guests. Finally, they are supposed to visit Invitation Creator to prepare an invitation and write party details.
     Secondly, the Master Chef should choose a recipe from Recipes Site and create a list of food items, and write them on the Master Chef 1 worksheet. Then, the Master Chef should visit the Supermarket to buy food items with 100 dollars budget. And, the Master Chef should complete the table on the Master Chef 2 worksheet. 

     Thirdly, The DJ is supposed to read about Songs and Music from the 1960s. Then, he should try to find the most famous singers, bands, songs of the 1960s and keep notes on the DJ worksheet
     Finally, The Decorators should visit the Shop  and find items related to the party decoration and complete the shopping list on the worksheet Decor.

Activities are clearly related and designed to take the students from basic knowledge to higher level thinking. Different roles are assigned to help students understand different perspectives and share responsibility in accomplishing the task. 

     When it comes to the resources, there is a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. 
Links make excellent use of the Web's timeliness and colorfulness. Varied resources provide enough meaningful information for students to think deeply.                    
     In the evaluation page, criteria for success are at least partially described. Students are asked to reflect on themselves.  

     At first, this project seemed a little bit boring to me. But, later I've found it is very enjoyable. I've learned 1960s’ music, fashion, hair style, etc. thanks to this project. I think I will use webquest with my dear students in the future. It enables them to think critically and broads their horizon.
                                                                                                                            Thank you!

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